here for 2 years and to one other place when Taylor was itty bitty. This year the kids actually put more in the buckets than they ate. It wasn't as hot this year and we were able to enjoy the day more. We picked about six pounds and have gotten to make a tasty blueberry cobbler with our find.

We have officially entered into the "I do it myself" phase with Taylor. She is so much more independent and headstrong than Aiden ever was at this age. There is not reasoning with her when she decides that she wants to do something. I am sure that one day this will be a very charming quality, but when you are in a hurry to go somewhere and she wants to dress herself, or pick out her clothes, or shoes, or bow it really tests my patience.

Amy came over and got to have some quality time with Amy. Taylors hair is growing so much it is fun to play with it and dress it up with some really cute little bows. More on that later...

The kids LOVE to play with Daddy. Some days I feel like chopped liver. When Mark comes home the kids go running and screaming DAAAAADDDYYY!!!!

Amy came over and got to have some quality time with Amy. Taylors hair is growing so much it is fun to play with it and dress it up with some really cute little bows. More on that later...

The kids LOVE to play with Daddy. Some days I feel like chopped liver. When Mark comes home the kids go running and screaming DAAAAADDDYYY!!!!

The kids have even caught the creative bug and have spent lots of time painting and coloring. Aiden loves to write his name and has fun tracing letters and shaped. Taylor...well..she loves to make a mess!

Aiden and Taylor can fight and scream like cats and dogs but MOST of the time they are pals. They love seeing eachother and playing together. They are partners in crime!

Aiden and Taylor can fight and scream like cats and dogs but MOST of the time they are pals. They love seeing eachother and playing together. They are partners in crime!
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