It is June, well now july. It has been four months since my last post. I feel like I needed to confess if you didn't notice the dates already. Every now and again I have to play catch up. So here I am...playing catch up. The easiest months. Here goes:
The month of March brought on a wave of craftiness. I painted, took pictures, picked fabrics and even bribed my very own loving mother to create my idea due to my lack of sewing knowledge. My very loyal friend Cyndi and I created a family rules canvas. It is a set of rules for our family to live (haha) by. Here is my final product. I also took the cuties to the park and embarked on one of many to come photo shoots with my new camera.

The month of March brought on a wave of craftiness. I painted, took pictures, picked fabrics and even bribed my very own loving mother to create my idea due to my lack of sewing knowledge. My very loyal friend Cyndi and I created a family rules canvas. It is a set of rules for our family to live (haha) by. Here is my final product. I also took the cuties to the park and embarked on one of many to come photo shoots with my new camera.

I bribed mom into making pillowcase dresses for Taylor. They are aparently really easy and so very cute. Tay's favorite is her ladybug dress. I think that she would wear it daily if I allowed it.

We also began building our privacy fence in the back yard. Every night after work, we would go outside and work. Mark-o is superman. He amazes me. He worked so very hard and we have a beautiful fence that can keep our kids safe, and provides so much privacy. I LOVE it.

For spring break the kids and I went with our very wonderful Cyndi and her little lovelies to see their Nana in St. Augustine. We swam,went to the kids museum, painted easter eggs and just generally had a great time.


For spring break the kids and I went with our very wonderful Cyndi and her little lovelies to see their Nana in St. Augustine. We swam,went to the kids museum, painted easter eggs and just generally had a great time.

We finished off our spring break by taking a trip to St. Marks. As a child I have memories of it being this miraculous place. This is an example of how childhood memories should remain just that..memories. When we got there the sand fleas almost carried us away. There was not really a place to walk out in the water so we walked to find some. As soon as we found a place, Taylor ventured out onto the rocks and fell on some barnacles and cut her leg all up! So after 15 minutes of being there we loaded the kids up and went home. Next time we drive to a real beach!

Easter came along and we went to Yaya's and grandaddy's and hunted eggs with the grandparents and Uncle Cody and Melanie. Aiden and Taylor did so well and it was so sweet to see Aiden help is little sister out and find the eggs. Taylor sported her coll shades most of the day and refused to take them off.

Then came the big event. Aiden and Taylor's big Spiderman Princess party! We had so much fun! Aiden was turning four and Taylor turned 2 on the day of the party. All of our friends and family came to celebrate with us. The day was complete with a spiderman bounce house, sno cones, crafts, a pinata, games, two cakes and tons of kids everywhere. Aiden was so very excited about his bouncy house and between the two of them they probably ate 25 sno cones. People just kept handing them out to the kids and they never objected to this. Mark was a sport and manned the snocone machine most of the time. By the end of the day there was a new meaning to the word exhaustion! I loved baking the cakes and planning the day, but mostly I enjoyed how thrilled A and T were about all of the fun!

The weekend of the party we decided to move Taylor to her big girl bed. She was so excited and jumped on it and played and kept saying "my bed" In the beginning she would lay in bed in the morning until someone got her up. Now when the sun comes up, so does Taylor!

For his birthday, Aiden got a big boy bike. It is now June and he has become very good at it. In April...not so much. We would go outside everyday and practice. At first there was no pedaling, steering or any activity. Now he has gotten it down and is very proud of himself. Go Aiden!

Mother's Day was wonderful. Mark and I went with the kids to the beach. The kids love the beach and the waves. Some of my favorite childhood memories happened while at the beach. Every chance we get we try to take the kids.

We had a cookout with our dear friends the stallers. We swam, made dinner, we made smores, watched lightning bugs, and then the kids snuggled up and have movie time. It was a wonderful night with great friends. Cyndi and I secretly have a plan for an arranged marriage for Taylor and Kyle. I hope they will be okay with this :-)

So hopefully I am all caught up. Now I can start fresh. Well, is almost July ;-)
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