I have been sick, sick, sick, and very tired getting 18 kindergarteners into somewhat of a routine. It was very hard to go back because of this and missing sweet Aiden. For the first 2 weeks he cried, and screamed, and I would say I love you, give kisses and leave. Of course when I got to the car the water works began with me. Now it is much better. He walks into the house, waves, and smiles when I leave. Ms. AManda has also been working with AIden on calling her AMAN-DA. When we pull into her neighborhood I usually say "we're almost at Ms. Amanda's house." Then he starts to say "DUh, Duh, Duh", I guess he means Aman-DUH!
Mark has started his new job and seems to really enjoy it. He comes home at normal hours and gets to leave his work at the office. But with this comes the start of football season and he is out Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights usually. I become what feels like a single mom on those nights and look forward to bedtime much earlier.
By the way this post took me three days to fully complete. SAVOR IT...
Aiden going to Ms. Amanda's
The Girls at Dana's Wedding
The view from our beautiful room! Thanks again Lidy!
Isn't Dana Beautiful?!
1 comment:
So I was really embarrassed today when Mark mentioned you were pregnant. I was totally clueless. So here is my official Congratulations!
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