Today I took Aiden to get his first hair cut. This was a really hard decision for me because his little curls were just so darn cute to me, but it was really starting to look unkept. SO I took him to Tony's today. Tony is an older man who believes that baby's first haircut is an important thing. He starting cutting and was done before I knew it. The other man in the shop grabbed my camera and just started taking pictures. Tony was very fluent in baby speak and talked to Aiden about Tractors, Dora, and Thomas the Train the whole time he was cutting. He also told us that his grandson's name was also Aiden. When we were done he made Aiden a baby's first haircut certificate, and refused to let me pay or tip. The certificate was a nice touch but after reading it, I got a little choked up. It says: "This is to certify that Aiden Kagy has bravely met all the requirements of receiving his first haircut and has graduated from babyhood (snif, snif), on the 9th day of August in the year of 2007." Graduated from babyhood?! sigh...


OH MY GOODNESS!!! Dani, he's a big boy now. It's so exciting, but sad all at the same time!! I'm very proud of mommy. He looks so cute!!!
How very sad...I would have cried if I got a certificate saying that! I think you decide that and not the barber anyway... :)
Sad? maybe? HANDSOME, absolutly. What a good looking Big Boy, and very smart....
Mark Kagy!?!?! It's Sarah Garment here! Well, Sarah Stone now. I LOVED seeing pictures of your sweet family. I SO want to hear all about this wife of yours and your life now. You're a dad - that's just crazy! I have joined the ranks of parenthood as well - I have a 3-yr old boy (Timothy) and a darling 9-mo. old girl (Charlotte). We are also well acquainted with Thomas the Train and all that other fun kid stuff. I would so love to hear from you. Please e-mail me sometime.
Also - where the heck is Steve these days?
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