In August school began again and my "little" Aiden began pre-K. He was so excited about it! Can't you tell? His teachers are Ms. Marsha
and Ms. Kayla, and they do so many fun things in their room! Here is my happy pre-K boy!

September came and I found out that we were going to have a new addition to our family! I was pregnant! Baby number three is due in May. Of course this meant that I also felt like I had been hit by a Mack truck oh yeah and it was hot out!!! We spent time being lazy on the weekends and playing lots of dress up! Taylor is such a sassy little thing and loves to look like a "peh-pess" princess. She has such attitude and is coming in to her own.

In October the weather finally cooled off and allowed us to go out and picnic and play...
October also marks the beginning of Mark's football officiating season. This year Nana and Papa and I took the kids to see a game that Mark worked. They had so much fun and loved to see Daddy. Taylor Loved the cheerleaders. Both the kids got cute pom poms and shook them until I couldn't take it anymore.
October is also pumpkin time. We made our annual trip to the pumpkin patch. Taylor was NOT in the mood this day! Aiden wanted his picture taken next to every prop there was and was quite irritated that we had to leave soon after we got there because of sassy britches...
Uncle Cody married Aunt Melanie in October and Aiden and Taylor were the flower girl and ring bearer. The wedding was simply beautifully and it was such a wonderful day! With hundreds of pictures it is a little bit difficult to choose...
Aiden had cowboy day at school. He rode ponies, played games, and loved it!

We had to carve our pumpkin. It was so hot we did it right before Halloween so it wouldn't attract bugs and flies in a day. This was also the first year that Aiden would voluntarily touch the pumpkin guts.
We went trick or treating this year with our friends The Stallers. We began at Canopy Roads for a carnival-ish event. We went out to dinner and then hit the streets lookin' for candy! Aiden is still in his spiderman phase and wanted to be "Venom" or as we call him black spiderman and taylor was a princess. She is so sassy that we literally went through her dress up clothes the afternoon of and she chose. I then bribed her to get dressed by telling her she could wear mommy's makeup. Whew she keeps me on my toes!
My next post will include the holidays...I better do it while I am still motivated...
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