Yesterday 3/4 of our family went to my best friends family farm. This farm started from a big piece of land and has transformed into this wonderful farm full of animals and place to play and hang out. Here you will see Aiden and Miss Lennon rockin' their cares away.

Lennon is rocking a little harder as you can see. The thing that what I found interesting about all of the animals here was that they were all so vocal. No other place that I have been have had animals that have been quite so vocal. It was a great learning experience for Aiden. The animals that we saw were goats, and sheep ( one named patience with three legs), 2 horses, 2 mini horses, a ton of bunnies, guinea hens, chickens, roosters, donkeys, and a llama named Tula.

When we got there we went to the "Goataminium" and went for a tour of the place. The goats were so sweet and friendly, but Aiden seemed to think it was a little unatural. Aiden got to watch the horses being fed, and give the donkeys a little corn treat. I was a little afraid Aiden might come home short a few fingers, but we still have all ten. The donkeys were hysterical. I have tried to explain that the animal that kind of looks like a horse is really a donkey and he says HEE-HAW instead of Neigh. Well these donkeys came running to us "hee-hawing?" very loudly.
Taylor was sweet as usual. I tried my off road stroller, but she is really too small still, and was less than thrilled about it, so she stuck close in the baby bjorn.
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