Well, all of us made it in one piece to the cabin. We got here yesterday. Aiden did very well on the way up. He whined off and on for the first hour and then slept the rest of the way with the exception of stopping to eat. We were so excited to see our beautiful house and to meet our sweet Abigail. Let me tell you... she is something else. She loves to talk and has such a wonderful disposition. She has the most fabulous eyes and loves to use them to flirt.
Today Aiden was a cranky pants! He fussed all day. We went to an orchard that was supposed to be one of the largest in the southeast. I was thinking I may get to get up close to some kind of fruit bush or maybe even a tree. No way. It was a tourist trap and mainly just a fruity gift shop. We did buy a bag of white peaches. They are so yummy. I highly recommend them. So after that we went to the down town area that has tons of shops and ate at a fifties themed cafe. All of the food items stuck to the theme like "Bird is the word" chicken sandwich, "Big Bad John hamburger", and the "Suzy Q sloppy Joe." It was a hole in the wall but very good. They were also known for there world famous malt shakes. Go figure.
We went home shortly after that. The babies were done.
We saw a turkey went we got home outside.
I hope Aiden straightens up tomorrow.
I envy you guys being in Blue Ridge. Sandra and I spent Christmas there a couple of times, but I bet it is really nice during the summer. Shouts out to all the Kagys!(I count 8 of you, right? and what is the proper plural of 'Kagy'? 'Kagies'?)
Kagy's aren't proper. Call us what you want.
Just don't call 'em late for a cookout.
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