So here I am. I had another blog at one point of time but yes I was a slacker and posted one entry. I think that was about a year and a half ago. So I thought I would give it another shot. Right now life is pretty good. I am finally getting Aiden to sleep in his own bed. He is sleeping for up to 4 hours at a time. Mark and I both are getting more sleep. Overall I am getting used to this Mom thing and I am starting to feel somewhat normal again. It is the start of a hot summer and I am looking forward to the time that I have to spend with Aiden because I know that it will all change in August when I go back to work. I am having so much fun getting to know him and watching him change. I also love watching Mark interact with Aiden. This past week Aiden smiled his first smile. I don't think it was gas related, but Daddy related. He was laying on the floor looking into his toy mirror, and Mark was behind him talking to him. Mark was just working it, and suddenly Aiden's face lit up. Upon seeing this Mark and I both started up again and we managed one more smile. New life is a beautiful thing I tell ya!
Girl, keep me posted on how this 12 hour thing goes...I'll be trying it later this year!
Your babe is so cute! And thank goodness for sleeping babies...
Allow me to extend a hearty welcome back to the land of the blog and the "collective consciousness" of the Tally group. So Borg, man!
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