For so long Aiden has been in the squishy little infant stage. He didn't really do much, just really liked to be held. This was okay with me for I envisioned having a little boy that loved to snuggle with his mama. Now all of a sudden he is turning into a big boy right under my nose! Now instead of being held he would much rather play on the floor so he can look around. He also turns his head to anything that is making noise. This may be the dog, it may be Mark. He just wants to check it out. Just the other day I had to put away some of his sleepers that he is too long for and it made me realize how fast the past three months have gone. I know I've said this over and over- but it is a hard thing to accept. They do grow up.
His latest accomplishment happened yesterday. I guess he decided that he was tired of looking at those silly baby toys and he rolled over to his tummy. Since then he refuses to lay still. Whether he is on his back or his tummy he is trying to rock to roll to the other side. He hasn't done it since, but he is working on it. I guess all that eating he has been doing has made him into a little strong man. It made me think of this song that I heard the Dixie Chics sing once.
Roly Poly eatin' corn and taters
Hungry every minute of the day
Roly Poly gnawin' on a biscuit
As long as he can chew it it's okay
He can eat an apple pie and never even bat an eye
He likes anything from soup to hay
Roly Poly,
Daddy's little fatty
I bet he's going to be a man some day
Roly Poly, scarmbled eggs for breakfest
Bread and jelly twenty times a day
Roly Poly, eats a hearty dinner
He needs lots strength to sing and play
He's up at dawn to do the chores
Runs both ways to all the stores
He works up an appetite that way
Ro-oly Poly
Daddy's little fatty
Fatty's going to be a man some day
"Fatty's going to be a man some day." Yikes!