Sunday, August 31, 2008
I should be sleeping
School is wearing me down. I love it, but it is exhausting. When the alarm goes off for the FIRST time at 6:00 I start my day and usually end it at about 11 or 12 that night. I am learning a lot about third grade, the kids, the teachers, FCAT! AAHHH. My day flies but so do I. I make it a point to devote my full attention, or as much as possible to the kiddos when I get home, because I miss them so much. Little things like bath time, or watching Aiden play golf with Daddy, seem to recharge me. My house however has not had my full attention. Yuck... I am off to bed i guess, if my pics will ever upload! I HATE DIAL UP! So, this post is kind of random, but I thought I would share some cute kid pics-maybe it will recharge your day. Maybe? In the meantime, if anyone needs me I will be watching the weather channel. Go away Gustaf. Take cover Dana! Love you all...

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Make yourself comfortable...its a long one
It has been a while since I last posted. I have been busy spending my last few days of summer with the kiddos and taking a few lessons in being humble, and flexible.
This summer was amazing! I had so much fun just being a mommy.
Aiden is a raging two year old and I am loving every minute of it. He is a very sweet little boy and for the most part is very obedient. He is learning so much about life and I cannot believe the amount of information that he takes in. Currently he is obsessed with his racecars and tractors. He can spot a tractor a mile away. I often find rocks in his pockets, and dirt behind his ears. He loves to count in english and spanish, and I love to listen to him sing songs, and pray for his friends and family at bedtime. It is enough to take your breath away. This summer we have battled with obedience, fears of the dark and the thunder, and now it is crawling into bed with mommy and daddy. One night last week he got up four times to crawl into bed with Daddy and Mommy. Each time we traded off sending him back to his room. The next day when Mark and I were discussing the game plan for the evening, we discussed while it is troublesome to get up over and over with him, there will be a day when he doesn't want to crawl into bed with us. Somedays I just want to embrace him and try to stop him from growing. As we tuck him in at night after books, and songs, and prayers, most children snuggle up with a nice soft stuffed animal. Aiden likes to snuggle with a river rock Mark brought him home one day, a little fake bug in a wooden box, and my ART BOOK. I make sure I tell him every night that I am glad that I am his mommy.
SO this week God humbled me in ways I cannot explain. This past week my principal told me that I would no longer be teaching K, and that even though I had never taught third grade, and even though my room was almost ready for kids, that I needed to pack my stuff and move across the school 2 days before planning. I know this sounds a little trivial but I didn't see this coming and I was so comfortable with my team, and my grade. We are all very close. So I had no time to waste. I showed up at school the next day and 3 of the girls I work with, my wonderful friend Michelle, My awesome mom, and a son of one of the teachers, helped me pack my entire classroom and move. Did I mention that Aiden and Taylor were also there, and Mark was out of town? I felt so loved and so blessed that day to have such a support system, physically and emotionally. Then my bud Michelle (GO BLESS HER!!!) came back on Saturday with her husband and son, and helped Mark move my furniture so I could get settled before the week. Michelle cleaned and organized ALL of my drawers while I wandered around trying to make sense of all the madness. Once my room was set up the wonderfulness?? didn't end there. My new team of teachers came in on Monday and welcomed me with open arms and got me set to teach this week. They are amazing! So to cut my self off, God has reminded me alot this week that he is in control, and we should never be too comfortable. He has also showed me what amazing people that I have around me. With this being said: If you were one of those people that helped me this week, you will never know what your friendship meant to me this week. I felt like I could have a panic attack at any given moment and you were there to encourage me, to move furniture, books, crap(yea- I said it) and you did it without hesitation. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
So now I have more work to finish but thats where I am. If you have made it this far...Whoa maybe you have some free time to come and help me ;-) Ta-ta for now!
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