This is when something that you have you have said or signed for months finally clicks. Sometimes these things go unnoticed because you are together everyday
But then someone else notices. For instance, the other night I went out to dinner with some girlfriends and Mark put Aiden to bed. He said that he was on the computer and looked over and Aiden looked pretty tired and was walking in circles. He said “Aiden are you ready to go night-night?” Aiden then stood up walked to his room, turned on his waterfall noisemaker, and then shook his hands for all done. Then today he and I were going outside and he was getting fussy and I was trying to finish up one last thing. This was probably the dishes or the laundry or something exciting like that. In order to buy some time I told him to go get his shoes. He looked at me like he knew exactly what I was talking about. He walked to the basket where his shoes are picked them out and brought them to me. The more interesting thing to me was that they were his shoes that he wears to go in the yard and they matched.
Yesterday we played wash mommy's car. He started washing the car but then the leaking water hose looked much more fun I suppose.