Quack, Quack, mom!

Our little pumpkin.

Baby green giant

Little Bitty Kitty and Coletrane

This is such a fun age to me. Aiden is extremely interactive and loves to smile and laugh. He also loves to grab my face and kiss me. This is my favorite.
This weekend Mark’s parents came to visit. We had fun up until Sunday morning at 2am when poor Aiden was so stopped up he could not breathe. He went back to sleep at about 6am only after screaming for 4 hours off and on. The rest of the day was not much better. He was hard to console and not much made him happy. I also think that more teeth are adding to the mix.
Check out more pictures that our friend Julie took. Thanks Julie- I love them!
Now I will finish my random thoughts as I have a sick, sleeping baby in my lap. To sleep in my lap while I play blogger, and after his 3 hour nap this aftenoon lets me know that he really is tuckered out.